Welcome to Angulos.us

Having a lot of extra time on my hands, I going to get back to this site using some updated technology.

I'm going to update the photo ablum although I don't really have any new photos, but I may make it so you can upload/FTP your own sets. Also, I should have the family directory up before Christmas. This will give me a chance to update my address book and make a one stop despository for everyone esle to update theirs.

I may orgainze the photo album into 2 sections.  One would be family events birthday, weddings, celebrations, etc..  The way it has been before I just stuck all my images in one directory and sub-ordered by who took or gave me the images (basically whos camera the images came from). The other would be my person photo gallery, stuff like pictures of soccer games, trips to disneyland, zoo, museumes, etc... Events that have little interest to anyone.  That should make the Family Photo Album smaller.

The address book would have names and a phone number and family members ie:

John and Jane Doe
Teen, Tween, Child, etc...
123 Main Street
Somewhere, Someplace
(213) 123-1234

Other information may be added on an opt-in, cell numbers, email etc... They may be editable by indivuals also depending on the path I take to set it up.

Access to both the Address Book and Photo Album will be password protected.  It will be something simple like: "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" ;)